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Welcome to My Website

Find me in three terrific collections:


  • My investigative report and Ms. cover story, "Kathy's Day in Court," in 50 Years of Ms.: The Best of the Pathfinding Magazine That Ignited a Revolution (Alfred A. Knopf)--a contribution I was so proud to see recognized by award-winner literary critic Donna Seaman in her Booklist review:

    "This thoughtfully curated and zestful celebration of the first 50 years of Ms. would be fascinating under any circumstances, but given the renewed assaults   on women's rights it's all the more compelling…..The illustrious contributors include Susan Brownmiller, Gina Barreca, Angela Bonavoglia, Brittany Cooper, Angela Davis, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bay Fang, Joy Harjo, Martha Mendoza, Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Alice Walker, and Patricia J. Williams. Ms….continues to lead in the long battle for gender equality, an essential element in a thriving democracy."

  • "Close Encounters of the Episcopal Kind," in editor/author/humorist Gina Barreca's collection Fast Fallen Women: 75 Essays of Flash Nonfiction, third in her popular Fast Women series (Woodhall Press). 

  • "Blindsided," in Grabbed: Poets and Writers on Sexual Asssault, Empowerment and Healing (Beacon Books). Foreword by Joyce Maynard, afterword by Anita Hill. 


And, just a few other highlights:


On Nicole Newnham's terrific documentary, "The Disappearance of Shere Hite"

  • Brilliant, beautiful, an out-bisexual and activist in the 1970s women's movement, Shere Hite challenged the prevailing beliefs about female sexuality, "explained how women orgasm, and was hated for it." Find my review in Spring 2024 issue of Cineaste, America's leading magazine on the art and politics of cinema (streaming on Amazon Prime).


 On the anniversary of the 19th Amendment 


On Arriving, from Scranton to Manhattan

On the pandemic

On abortion


On the Catholic Church

  • "Called to Account" -- Catholic Church Faces Unprecedented Moment of Reckoning," abridged online version of feature in Ms.


A compelling account of what dedicated Catholic women are accomplishing for the church they love."
--Publishers Weekly

"A thoughtful, coherent and impassioned call for answers to some of the most pressing questions facing the Catholic Church today."

--Dallas Morning News


 "These stories remain vivid for the reader long after the book is finished...Bonavoglia's book belongs in our classrooms and our libraries."
--Journal of American Catholic Studies



"I could build a small habitable cabin of all the books I read for research, but I'm especially thankful for The Choices We Made...which helped me wrap my post-Roe v. Wade mind around the pre-Roe v. Wade era.

--Novelist Myla Goldberg

Feast Your Eyes (2019)




"...brings a human dimension to the debate...Highly recommended."
--Library Journal


"Old and young, rich and poor, black and white, celebrities and unknown--the voices vary...but their stories have a powerful cumulative impact....not for the fainthearted."
--Kirkus Review